All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 in total

Revelation -- 01

The Book of Revelation #01 This lecture is about what Revelation is not. It is not an account of a war between America and the Anti-Christ. It is not about Armageddon...

Revelation -- 02

Book of Revelation #2 In this lecture, we cover verses 1 through 3 of the first chapter. These verses affirm the sacred humanity of our Lord. It helps us answer the c...

Revelation -- 03

Book of Revelation #3 Verses 4 - 7 provide us with an interpretative key: Approaching Revelation as a Liturgy yields abundant fruits. An important principle that will...

Revelation -- 04

The Book of Revelation #4 In verses 7 through 11 of chapter 1 of Revelation, Jesus tells us "I am coming soon." What did He mean by that? Oftentimes, we inject into a...

Revelation -- 05

The Book of Revelation #5 In verses 12 through 20 of the first chapter of Revelation, Our Lord appears to St. John between the seven lampstands. His appearance defies...

Revelation -- 06

The Book of Revelation #7 This lecture surveys all seven letters and describes their inner structure. Each letter is structured according to the ancient covenantal la...

Revelation -- 07

The Book of Revelation #7 In this lecture, we study the letters to Ephesus and Smyrna. Ephesus ranked first amongst the seven cities in power and prestige within the ...

Revelation -- 08

The Book of Revelation #8 Pergamum was the official center of emperor worship in Asia Minor. It ranked second in importance amongst the seven cities and had a pantheo...

Revelation -- 09

The Book of Revelation #9 Sardis had a population of 120,000 and Christ declares to this particular church that "they are dead." In this letter, God shows us his pati...

Revelation -- 10

The Book of Revelation #10 Laodecia was a city known for its banking and trading. So wealthy it was that when a major earthquake struck it down before 70 A.D. Laodice...

Revelation -- 11

The Book of Revelation #11 In this lecture, we complete our study of the Letter to Laodicea and then we take a step back and start to look at all the letters together...

Revelation -- 12

The Book of Revelation #12 After a detailed study of the covenantal structure of the letters and the background of the cities where the churches were housed, it is ve...

Revelation -- 13

The Book of Revelation #13 This lecture is an overview of the vision of the throne and the coming of the Lamb. We focus on the overall structure of the text and its m...

Revelation -- 14

The Book of Revelation #14 In this lecture we continue our kite-level survey of chapters 4 and 5, paying particular attention to the scroll that the Lamb takes from t...

Revelation --15

The Book of Revelation #15 Comparing Chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation to Exodus 25, Hebrews 8 and 12, Luke 10, and 1 Timothy 3 reinforce the idea that the last book of ...

Revelation -- 16

The Book of Revelation #16 Who are the four riders of the Apocalypse and what do they represent? More importantly, why are they sent down to Earth, and for what purpo...

Revelation -- 17

The Book of Revelation #17The four riders have been sent, and now Christ opens the fifth seal. Souls from under the altar raise their voices in prayer. What are they d...

Revelation -- 18

The Book of Revelation #18 The sixth seal is the longest and the most complex. It is comprised of a tryptic consisting of the cosmic decreation; a scene in which God ...

Revelation -- 19

Book of Revelation #19 In Chapter 7, verses 1 through 17, we learn of the 144,000 sealed by the hand of an angel. In fact, angelic activity is significant since there...

Revelation -- 20

The Book of Revelation #20 In this final section of the sixth seal we witness a great multitude that cannot be numbered who come in praise of the One who sits on the...

Revelation -- 21

The Book of Revelation #21 The Seventh Seal is about silence. St. John tells us that when the Lord opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about 1/2 ...

Revelation -- 22

The Book of Revelation #22 The Seven Trumpets are governed by four intrinsic movements from earth to heaven and back. Why and what do these continual movements mean? ...

Revelation -- 23

The Book of Revelation #23 The first four trumpets bring about a partial punishment by inflicting pain on man through nature. They afflict nature in all its form but...

Revelation -- 24

The Book of Revelation #24 The first trumpet burns 1/3 of the earth, 1/3 of the trees, and all green grass. The second trumpet causes 1/3 of the sea to become blood, ...

Revelation -- 25

The Book of Revelation #25 Now the sun, moon, and stars are under attack: they are all dimmed so that their light is less than what it should be. Is this reality phy...

Revelation -- 26

The Book of Revelation #26 If the first four trumpets dealt a blow to the natural surroundings of man, the fifth and sixth trumpets are far deadlier since they involv...

Revelation -- 27

The Book of Revelation #27 In the midst of the sixth trumpet, St. John finds himself back on Earth next to an angel of extraordinary appearance who stands, one foot o...

Revelation -- 28

The Book of Revelation #28 The angel gives St. John a measuring rod and he is instructed to measure the Holy of the Temple and to leave the rest out, but then the nar...

Revelation -- 29

The Book of Revelation #29 If the book of Revelation was a cathedral, the seventh trumpet would be the apex of its central dome. Here, the drama reaches its highest p...

Revelation -- 30

The Book of Revelation #30 Verses 11:15 through 12:2 are an antiphonal hymn that the congregation and the 24 elders sing: "The kingdom of the world has become the Kin...

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